Tuesday, April 8, 2008

proving ones self

In my study last night I was reading Daniel. In the first chapters we note that Daniel was being prepared for was ahead of him. He was given a portion of meat from the Kings table, but would not eat of it. This took courage. The king had the power to do with Daniel as he wanted. The Lord was proving Daniel.

We are tested by many things and people. As we overcome these we become stronger in our walk with God. As we walk through these trials we are proved. As with gold, that is proved my heating to remove the impurities, we must be proved my our trials. The enemy will try what ever he feels is our weakest point. He will even send others who call themselves Christians, to inform us that we are not walking in the Light. We must beware of these, The bible tells us that not all who claim to be of The Lord are His. Only you know if your walk is right with the Lord. We need to search ourselves and prove our self.

When we are attacked from within it causes us more harm than from without. I have seen several Churches split because of an attack on a member or even pastor. Many of these attacks were actually self serving for the attacker. In one case the attack was against the pastor. It was not over the believes of the church but a personal attack. As with most of us we have a past before we were saved. He had drank beer before being saved. This was all behind him and he was a man of God.

This pastor to try and avoid a split resigned. The family doing the attacking wanted their son as the pastor. The church did split and the original church ended in failure. The original pastor started a new church at the encouragement of many of those who left the original church and it is still growing.

We as brother and sisters in God need to encourage each other not tear another down. Remember we will be judged by Him Who sees all.


Lorraine said...

Do you think that this is a problem with protetants churches today? It is so easy to start a new church. Who has authority?

Keith said...

Lorraine Thank you for the comment. I think that you are right in that it is to easy to start a church. You can buy your pastoral license or ordaination online and start. In the case of the pastor I mentioned he was ordained by a major denomonation and did get the backing of them. I believe that before one should start a church they should be ordained by others that have also been ordained. That is the only way I believe that God planned.