Thursday, April 3, 2008

Our walk with The Lord

For some people life seems to be a burden, an endless series of tasks that have no importance. There is a hardness to this earthly life, but The Christian life is filled with a purpose and power.

We are a changed people. When we accept Christ He does a work in us that gives us this purpose and power. If one studies the first chapters of Acts we see that this happen with the Apostles were filled with The Spirit of God. Our propose is to be a living witness to our risen Saviour. We are given the power to be that witness through The Spirit of God.

Each day we must walk as if today is the last day. We must be that witness every moment. Others are watching what we do, say, and teach. If they see in us the truth of what the Bible teaches they will have a conviction on their heart. If we loss\e our temper and yell and other, it is not Christ like. I could continue talking about other things that distract form our walk but each of us must look at our self and ask The Lord to show us where we are not walking in His image.