Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Perfect Sacrifice

In the garden of Eden man sinned against God. When he did that sin became transferable to all of us. But our God did not leave us without hope. He was not going to leave us in a fallen state.

Even as He drove man from the garden, God made a way for fallen man to return to Him. Until Jesus was born a series of sacrifices were required. This was just a partial covering of their sins.

Even these were lacking, only the Perfect One could do. The Lord promised this started in Genesis. Abraham was promised that the Saviour would come through him, and that this Saviour would mediate for man. He would be the perfect sacrifice. He would at a future date totally defeat and crush the enemy of man's soul. The Lord made this promise through out The Old Testament.

We have a wonderful Saviour. He suffered for us, He was the perfect One. Jesus made that sacrifice, so that we do not have to die, but may have eternal life. He paid the price for all of man kind. We all must come to understand this for our self and accept Him as our personal Saviour.