Friday, March 28, 2008

The Sacrifice of Isaac

We all are familiar with the story of the sacrifice of Isaac, but have you ever considered that is was a preview of what Jesus was going to do?

Abraham had been promised that the Messiah would come through Isaac. So how was this to happen if Isaac was to die. Only through resurrection, Abraham must have believed that God would resurrect Isaac. If we read Hebrews 11:17-19 we see that this is what he believed.

After Abraham had Isaac on the alter he looked up and saw a ram (Genesis 22:13). In John1:29 John The Baptist said Look, the Lamb of God.

Isaac was a grown man at this time. He could have overpowered his father and fled, but he was obedient. Many years later Jesus was obedient and died as our Sacrifice. Isaac also carried his the wood for the alter, Jesus carried His wooden Cross. Isaac also said not a word, just as Our Lord didn't.

The days that are involved are also important. It was 3 days after Abraham was told to sacrifice Isaac until The time on the alter, when God returned Isaac to his father. In Abraham's eyes this was the same as a resurrection of his son. Hebrews chapter 11 says in one translation that Abraham "figuratively speaking' did receive Isaac back from the death. 2000 years Jesus rose from the dead on the third day. God also received back his Son on the third day.

I Pray that this helps any reader understand the importance of the story of Isaac sacrifice. It is not just a story of obedience but a prophecy of The death of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus.

May the Lord bless each of you.


Aisha said...

I like this blog about The Sacrifice of Isaac. just understood the story of Abraham offering Isaac. It is good! Thank you.