Saturday, March 22, 2008

Christ's suffering

This weekend we as Christian celebrate the death, burial, and rising of Our Lord and Saviour. We should try to understand what Jesus suffered during this time. He knew in advance the horror he was about to undergo.

For anyone who has a beard try to imagine having some one grab your beard and just pull it until it rips from your face. They pulled his beard from his face in large hunks, his beard did not just pull from his hair follicles but riped his skin from his face.

He was also whipped. The Romans would tie knots in rawhide and add different cutting devices in it and the person receiving the whipping being tied to a pole and beat. They would hit in a way that they could rip the device back to inflict the most pain and deepest cutting.

We all know of the crown of thorns, but just think of how much it hurts to get a small rose thorn in a finger. His Crown was made of thorns that were an inch in length and pushed on His head.

The Bible also says that the pummeled him. The Romans used their fist to beat Him.

All of this happened before he was taken to the cross. Think of how much it hurts to get a small steel splinter in your finger. Then try to imagine The pain of a nail. The nails were also driven into his hands. That meant that there was the added pain of a hammer being hit on the nail head.

The love that our Lord had for us is what kept him there to endure all of this. We all hear what he suffered but I don't think that we actually think of what he really suffered. I know that most of us would die long before we we got to the cross, but that is where He had to go, The Old Testament said that was where He had to die.

Our Lord and Saviour suffered for us, we could not do this. He was the only perfect one. He suffered for us, so that we do not have to suffer but have enternal life. I will praise Him forever for this. Praise The Lord