Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Today as the world seems to be full of hate, sin, strife, war, and just plain meanest we need to look to The Lord for an answer as to why this is happening. The Bible teaches that as we near the end times that this would all happen. Daniel had a lot to say about this as well as Revelations.

I believe we are getting very close to that time. I know that there is different views on the rapture of the church and I will not discuss them today. I will just say I believe that the bible teaches that there will be a calling away of his Saints. What a great day that will be. I have heard a song that tells of UFO's on that day. Simply put it says that those that remain will see a lot of UFO's as The Lord takes us away. I know I will be one of those UFO's, and I pray that anyone reading this will also be one of them.

The Lord has promised to return in a like manner as He departed. I am looking forward to that day. We as Saints of God can be assured that we will forever be with Him after that day. I have heard people say that is their hope, I say it is a knowledge. We will spend eternity with our Lord.