Monday, March 24, 2008

My Mother

Yesterday I had to do one of the hardest things I have ever had to do. My mother fell and broke her hip on the March 14. Yesterday I had to leave her in a nursing home in Kansas and return to Indiana.

When you leave someone you love that much it is very emotional. My sister lives near and will be checking on her, but the pain of leaving was all most to much to take. As I drove home I started to ask The Lord why I had to leave. I am retired, I don't have to work.

He does talk to us, and He did as I drove along. I didn't get the answer I was looking for but He did talk to me. As for why he just said He will tell me when it is time, His time, not mine. I was suppose to go back to Indiana, yesterday.
I ask one thing from Him and that was to me able to see my mother again on this side of Heaven. To my surprise He told me I would and that she would have many years left. Of course since she is 85, I said a few years, but God said no, I said many years.

I must trust that He has a purpose for me here in Indiana, at least for now. I will obey even though it hurts to be this far away. I know that he will strengthen me in this. I know my saviour will never leave me. He has promised us that. Each day I will seek to walk in the full gospel of our Lord Jesus. Only through His great love can we continue through this life.

I know that my Mother will go to Heaven and join my Father who died in 1976 when she passes but as a human we still want them here with us. I praise the Lord that my mother and father have been saved and will both reach Heaven where we will have a wonderful Reunion.


Given55 said...

It is a glorious thing to have the assurance that we will spent eternity together.

Anonymous said...

Hi brother...I jumped over from given55 blogsite. I've added you to my favorites, so I'll be reading your post about every day so don't be slack in writing! I very seldon post a comment.

BTW, I'm of the Baptist Faith and don't always understand some of your sisters views (love you given55), however, I enjoy reading everything she writes. I'm a born again child of God, have been washed in His blood and will be raised in His likeness after this life--Praise His Name! Nothing I did, it was all because of Him. It was a wonderful day in my life when I realized It wasn't about anything I could do but was what He did. I've heard the Word all my life but about ten years ago I realized I didn't have my own belief, I had others beliefs. I started seeking God for myself, it didn't happen over night, I prayed and prayed and didn't know what what else to pray, finally I asked God to help my "unbelief" and I confessed to Him that I didn't like to read the Bible (of course, I also had more excuses about that) but when I came clean with Him and myself, I told Him that if He would help me, I would read the Bible from front to back, and thats what I did. It took me two years to do this, but before I got finished, He gave me wisdom enough to understand why Jesus came and died, and I started believing for myself. He set me free from so many thing that had me bound, I became a different person, not on the outside, but inside.

Well, bro., I hope I haven't bored you, but I haven't got the opportunity to give my testimony for some time and for some reason God led me to tell you...don't know why, but there it is.

Aunt D.

Given55 said...

Love ya too, Aunt D. It is known that not to many do understand me.