Thursday, May 8, 2008

Attacks On Christian Rights

Today is a beautiful day, the sun is shining, a warm breeze and blue sky. I can not understand how any one can claim this is all a thing of chance.

The Bible tells us that The Lord made it all. He is The One Who put it all in motion. He alone is why we have all that we enjoy on this plant. Genesis 1 tells us the order He created them. There are scientist that try to teach the truth. When they do many loss their jobs, grants, and other moneys. A few years ago California tried to pull the license from a private college for teaching creation, they lost in court. I have taken this class at another college and found it to follow The Bible and to explain by science that The Bible is true.

Evolution is being taught in our schools as fact, not as a unproven theory. When we put this together with the loss of prayer in school, and other attacks on Christian beliefs it becomes a pattern of attacks on our civil rights. We are under siege. I know pastors that believe that it will not be long before they will be jailed if they teach that homosexual active is a sin. We are called intolerant, but sin is sin. Islam is not under attack for teaching the same thing, they execute people for homosexual active. Yet we are the ones called intolerant, another left wing attack.

We all know about the removal of The Ten Commandants from all Government buildings. The ACLU also tried to force the removal of a Cross from a memorial to veterans in California, because it was on Government land. They lost that one because Christian Lawyers fought it.

We must start to show that we will not be shoved aside. We must stand together as one body in Christ. Pray for our country, it is important for our rights.


Tamie said...

Did you hear what is going on with the college student whose intro to Philosophy professor told her she could only get full credit for her final exam if she just wrote down "I do not have any free will" and sign her name to the paper. She has a 3.9 GPA and feels like she is being persecuted because of her Christian Faith. ACLJ is handling the case. They've also contacted me to sign a petition as Michael Neudow again goes before the supreme court to have one nation under god removed from the pledge of allegiance.