Monday, June 23, 2008

God's Creation

Yesterday I watched a video by Louis Giglio. His topic was how small we are when compared to the universe God made, yet He knows our name.

I have a few pictures taken from the Hubble space craft. Some of these pictures are of a galaxies That are thousands of light years across. God in all his knowledge and power just spoke all of this into being. Think of the might of God to just speak and it is so. Scientist do not know how wide the universe is, but God does. He named all the planets, stars, Galaxies, and every thing in it. Science says that the universe is still growing, maybe they just do not have a way to see the end. God has an end to it, where Heaven begins.
With all this power He still came to a small dot of a planet to save us from sin. Even our sun is a small dot in a galaxy, that is a dot in the universe. The love that he shows for us is as large as the universe. Just thing of that. Wow that makes you want to just shout praises to Him. Praise God over and over. A God so powerful He can speak the universe into being yet knows you name and loves you enough to send His only Son to died a terrible death on a cross for us. Such power, such love.
I can not understand how anyone can look at these pictures and thing this all came into being by a big bang. First if it did where did the material come from to cause the big bang? I guess it just happened also. So where did it all start? Science can't tell us, but God knows. He made it with a breath and spoken word. He spoke into being all things and breathe live into all living things.

God planned all of this to show his glory. Remember Jesus said that even the rocks would shout praises. Well the entire universe does. Yes we are only a very tiny being on a tiny planet, circling a tiny star, in the Milky Way galaxy, but The God of the universe knows us. He knows our weakness, or troubles, our needs, our joy, and our hearts. He knows you better than anyone else, even better than we know ourself. Can any logical being not believe? Only one with a harden heart.

I praise God for all his glory and the beauty he has shown us. The beauty of God shows everywhere. Look around you God love is there, in the trees, the flowers, the rivers, lakes, oceans, and the Heavens. He is Love.


Given55 said...

I have something for you over at my site.

Keith said...

Thanks for the award. I will pass it on.