Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Gifts of The Father

As Christians we are taught that there are gifts of The Spirit, but very little if any are taught about the gifts of The Father. Today I will talk about these gifts. Romans 12:3-8 are believed to be gifts from the Father although some also believe they are from the spirit. The Gifts of the Father are for basic life purpose and motivation.

The importance of this little study is to assist in the knowledge of the distinction and work of each member of the God Head. It also, I pray, will prevent any confusion in the foundational motivation in life and the service to God, and the openness to the Holy Spirit's power for service and ministry. I will write in the next few days on the gifts of the Spirit and the Son.

The first gift is a gift of both. Prophecy means to speak with forthrightness and insight, especially when enabled by the Spirit of God (Joel 2:28) The difference between the gift from the Spirit and from The Father is the focus. The Gift from the Father is general, characterized by the level of the prophetic gift which is for all believers. The gift from the Spirit is operational, and the other gifts of the spirit are equal to it.

The Gift of Ministry is not found among the gifts of the Spirit. This gift gives one the ability to minister and render loving , general service to others, seeking nothing in return. The office of deacon is a good example. (Matt. 20:26) This should not be confused with a the gift of Pastor which is a gift of the Son. Many pastors have this gift in operation in addition with the gift of the Son.

Teaching The supernatural ability to explain truths from God. Those having this gift have the ability to make Divine truths clear to God's people. There is a distinct difference between a teacher and a prophet. The prophet speak as a mouth piece of God, a teacher explains truths.

Another gift of the Father is exhortation. Literally it means to call aside for the purpose of making an appeal. In a more broad sense to entreat, comfort, or instruct. (Acts 4:36; Heb 10:25)

Giving, is to give out of a spirit of generosity. As we all know it refers to those with resources giving to those without. It is to be used without any show or pride and with liberality. The early Christian church all seemed to have this gift as they shared all things among the Body. Today the Christian church is still known for it's giving to others in need.

The gift of leadership refers to one "standing in front". This gift when exercise with The Holy Spirit can modeled, and develop the Body of Christ. It should be used with diligence.

The last gift is Mercy, which means to feel sympathy with the misery of another. To relate to others in empathy, respect, and honesty. This gift should be used with kindness and cheerfulness, not as a duty.

I know this little study only list and gives a small description of each gift. I would hope that each who read this will undertake a study on their own. Tomorrow I will have a short discussion on the gifts of the Spirit followed the next day on the gifts of the Son.