Tuesday, June 24, 2008

God's intentions

The Lord sends people our way that are in need of help both spiritually and other needs. Our country has always responded to those in need. This happens because we, even nonbelievers, have Christian values. This is also, I believe, one of the reasons God has blessed this country. He has given to us so we can give to others.

I also believe God puts us into places that we can help the other animals in His Kingdom. I live in the same house as my sister Supernatural Christian. The back yard joins a woods that is part of a city park, and is near a river. It is an unfortunate fact that people dump animals. This past weekend a stray dog appeared, that looked like a Pitbull mix. Sunday after church she had made herself at home on the porch. She is actually a very friendly, loving dog. We made calls and found a place that will not put her down, this was important to us. She is a really good dog. We now pray for a nice home for her.

My sister says this is not the first time this has happened. I believe God directs these animals here because He knows that they will be cared for until a proper place can be found for them. They are part of Gods creation, and we were placed here to care for the world and it's animals. This was to be our job. We were to have dominion over them, until we fell. It is still our Job to care for God's creation. All of this was Gods plan. We changed it, not Him.

Every thing God created has a purpose. He looked at it and said "it is good". Some day in New Jerusalem things will be as they were intended. As God created in the beginning. A day when there will be no abandoned animals. All will live in harmony. Man and beast side by side, the lion and lamb together. What a wonderful place that will be. What an assume plan God has for us.

Monday, June 23, 2008

God's Creation

Yesterday I watched a video by Louis Giglio. His topic was how small we are when compared to the universe God made, yet He knows our name.

I have a few pictures taken from the Hubble space craft. Some of these pictures are of a galaxies That are thousands of light years across. God in all his knowledge and power just spoke all of this into being. Think of the might of God to just speak and it is so. Scientist do not know how wide the universe is, but God does. He named all the planets, stars, Galaxies, and every thing in it. Science says that the universe is still growing, maybe they just do not have a way to see the end. God has an end to it, where Heaven begins.
With all this power He still came to a small dot of a planet to save us from sin. Even our sun is a small dot in a galaxy, that is a dot in the universe. The love that he shows for us is as large as the universe. Just thing of that. Wow that makes you want to just shout praises to Him. Praise God over and over. A God so powerful He can speak the universe into being yet knows you name and loves you enough to send His only Son to died a terrible death on a cross for us. Such power, such love.
I can not understand how anyone can look at these pictures and thing this all came into being by a big bang. First if it did where did the material come from to cause the big bang? I guess it just happened also. So where did it all start? Science can't tell us, but God knows. He made it with a breath and spoken word. He spoke into being all things and breathe live into all living things.

God planned all of this to show his glory. Remember Jesus said that even the rocks would shout praises. Well the entire universe does. Yes we are only a very tiny being on a tiny planet, circling a tiny star, in the Milky Way galaxy, but The God of the universe knows us. He knows our weakness, or troubles, our needs, our joy, and our hearts. He knows you better than anyone else, even better than we know ourself. Can any logical being not believe? Only one with a harden heart.

I praise God for all his glory and the beauty he has shown us. The beauty of God shows everywhere. Look around you God love is there, in the trees, the flowers, the rivers, lakes, oceans, and the Heavens. He is Love.

Friday, June 13, 2008

Gifts of The Son

The Gifts of the Son are to facilitate and equip the Body of the Church. They are found in Ephesians 4:11 and 1 Cor. 12:38.

Apostles: Originally a select group chosen to carry out directly the ministry of Christ, including for a few writing the sacred canon. In contemporary times apostle refers to those who have a spirit of apostleship in remarkably extending the work of the church. They function as a messenger of God in overseeing a large section of the Church.

Prophet; A spiritually mature spokesman with a special, divinely focused message to the church or the world. A person uniquely gifted at times with insight into future events.

Evangelist: Refers mostly to a special gift of preaching or witnessing in a way that brings unbelievers into the experience of salvation. An example today would be Billy Graham, in the past Smith Wigglesworth. An evangelist operates for the establishment of new works while pastors and teachers follow up to organize and sustain.

Pastor/Teacher: The word Pastor comes from the root meaning "to protect" Which we get the word "shepherd. The function of this gift is to nurture, teach and care for the needs of the body.

Missionary: Implies the planning to make the Gospel known to all the world ( Romans 1:16). Shows an attitude of humility necessary for receiving a call to remote areas and unknown situations ( Is. 6:1-13). An inner compulsion to lead the world to a knowledge of Jesus Christ. (2 Cor. 5:14-20)

I pray that this past 3 post has increased the knowledge of those who have read it. I have based this on works by James Robison and Paul Walker.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Gifts of the Spirit

1 Cor.12:8-10,28 give us the Gifts of the Spirit. I will give a brief description of each of the nine.

Word of Wisdom. Supernatural perspective. Sense of divine direction. Being led by the Spirit to act appropriately in certain circumstances. It is a knowledge given by the Holy Spirit working with knowledge and discernment.

Word of knowledge. Supernatural revelation of the divine will and plan. A supernatural insight or understanding of facts by revelation without human resources. It also involves moral wisdom to assist in living and relationships.

Faith. Supernatural ability to believe God without doubt, and to fight unbelief. Gives the ability to overcome adverse problems with a trust in God and His word.

Gift of Healing. The healing by supernatural means without human aid. May include divine assisted human medical treatment. Does not discount the use of God's creative gifts.

Working of miracles. supernatural power to intervene ans counteract earthly and evil forces. Literally means a display of power giving the ability to go beyond the natural. Works with faith and healing to defeat sin, Satan, sickness and evil forces at work today.

Prophecy. Divine inspired and anointed utterance. Supernatural proclamation in a known language. May be possessed and operated by all who are filled with the Holy Spirit.(1 Cor. 14:31). It is a calling forth of words from the Spirit of God.

Discerning of Spirits. Supernatural power to detect the relm of spirits and their activities. Gives the power of spiritual insight by supernatural revelation and plans of the enemy and his demons.

Different kinds of tongues. Supernatural utterance in a language not known to the speaker. These languages nay be existent in the world, revived from a past culture. Unknown in a sense as a means of communication inspired by the Holy Spirit. ( Is. 28:11; Mark 16:17; Acts 2:4; 10:44-48; 19:1-7; 1 Cor 12:10, 28-31; 132:1-3; 14:2, 4-22, 26-31).

Interpretation of tongues. Supernatural power to reveal the meaning of tongues. This is not an operation of the human mind. Does not serve as a translation but rather is a declaration of meaning. Is a supernatural phenomenon as are the gift of speaking in tongues and the gift of prophecy. The interpreter does not understand the tongue but is interpreting.

Some of the writings on the gifts on the Father, Holy spirit and Son are based on work by James Robison and Paul Walker.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Gifts of The Father

As Christians we are taught that there are gifts of The Spirit, but very little if any are taught about the gifts of The Father. Today I will talk about these gifts. Romans 12:3-8 are believed to be gifts from the Father although some also believe they are from the spirit. The Gifts of the Father are for basic life purpose and motivation.

The importance of this little study is to assist in the knowledge of the distinction and work of each member of the God Head. It also, I pray, will prevent any confusion in the foundational motivation in life and the service to God, and the openness to the Holy Spirit's power for service and ministry. I will write in the next few days on the gifts of the Spirit and the Son.

The first gift is a gift of both. Prophecy means to speak with forthrightness and insight, especially when enabled by the Spirit of God (Joel 2:28) The difference between the gift from the Spirit and from The Father is the focus. The Gift from the Father is general, characterized by the level of the prophetic gift which is for all believers. The gift from the Spirit is operational, and the other gifts of the spirit are equal to it.

The Gift of Ministry is not found among the gifts of the Spirit. This gift gives one the ability to minister and render loving , general service to others, seeking nothing in return. The office of deacon is a good example. (Matt. 20:26) This should not be confused with a the gift of Pastor which is a gift of the Son. Many pastors have this gift in operation in addition with the gift of the Son.

Teaching The supernatural ability to explain truths from God. Those having this gift have the ability to make Divine truths clear to God's people. There is a distinct difference between a teacher and a prophet. The prophet speak as a mouth piece of God, a teacher explains truths.

Another gift of the Father is exhortation. Literally it means to call aside for the purpose of making an appeal. In a more broad sense to entreat, comfort, or instruct. (Acts 4:36; Heb 10:25)

Giving, is to give out of a spirit of generosity. As we all know it refers to those with resources giving to those without. It is to be used without any show or pride and with liberality. The early Christian church all seemed to have this gift as they shared all things among the Body. Today the Christian church is still known for it's giving to others in need.

The gift of leadership refers to one "standing in front". This gift when exercise with The Holy Spirit can modeled, and develop the Body of Christ. It should be used with diligence.

The last gift is Mercy, which means to feel sympathy with the misery of another. To relate to others in empathy, respect, and honesty. This gift should be used with kindness and cheerfulness, not as a duty.

I know this little study only list and gives a small description of each gift. I would hope that each who read this will undertake a study on their own. Tomorrow I will have a short discussion on the gifts of the Spirit followed the next day on the gifts of the Son.

Monday, June 9, 2008

Battling Demonic Forces

The Prince of Persia that is described in Daniel 10:13 is active again against Israel. The prince in this case is the fallen angel that rules over Iran (Persia). The messenger to Daniel had to have the help of one of The Chief Princes (angels) to overcome the prince of Persia. The Israel of today has to depend on the chief of princes for their help.

Iran is today threatening Israel. Promising to destroy Israel. They are actively, I believe, trying to achieve an atom weapon. With such a weapon they would have the power to do what they want. The demonic forces are still today trying to destroy the forces of good.

The struggles here on earth are many time, maybe most of the time, influenced by demonic attempts to change God's will on earth. We as Believers in the power of the Blood of Christ must make intercession in this battle. Remember that even the messenger of God to Daniel had to battle for 21 days before Micheal arrived to help him. We can not stop praying and fasting for the battle is long and hard.

There are demonic force at work in our nation. Evil is rampant. Violence is on the increase. Drug uses, and gang active is taking over neighborhoods. Children are left to find their own ways while their parents are drunk or high. Teenage sex is also rampant and is starting at younger ages, some as young as 9. Homosexuals are calling their sins an alternate life style.

Praise God we know the final outcome of the battle. Even so the battle is long and hard. If we as the Body of Christ do not continue to pray and fast many more souls will be lost. Part of our purpose here is to help in the battle. We should make part of our every day prayers a prayer for Israel and it's people. The prayer should also be for lost souls around the world, and for those who battle daily to win them to Christ. The force we oppose are strong but Christ has already won the final battle. We know this for we have read the last chapters of the Word.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Colossian 2:13-15

Colossian 2:13-15 "and you being dead in your trespasses and the uncircumcision of your flesh, He has made alive together with Him, having forgiven you all trespasses, having wiped out the handwriting of requirements that was against us, which was contrary to us. And He Has taken it out of the way, having nailed it to the cross. Having disarmed principalities and power, He made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them in it."

The words wiped out here is a Greek word exaleipho which signifies a removal or obliteration, of sin (Acts 3:19)of writing ( Col 2:14), of a name (Rev3:15), or of tears (Rev 21:4). So we see here that Jesus has removed permanently the judgement against us.

The word Handwriting used here is the same as a signed confession of a debit owed, a bond or self confessed indictment.

The word it here is of course the cross. In Paul's other writings along with this he shows that Jesus death on the cross and all the suffering, shed blood, and the resurrection are the only means for our ransom from sin, and reconciliation with God.
Through the cross we are free from the slavery of sin and we are restored to God. The cross is the sole means of reinstatement to a relationship with God. See Eph 2:13, Gal 3:13,14, 2Cor 5:14-17, Rom 5:6-15. John also affirms this in Rev 12:10,11.

Paul uses in verse 15 a description of a Roman Generals homecoming, after a great victory, as a way of showing the events of the cross. It shows that God through the cross divested principlities and powers of their uncontested rule and authority. He made a public spectacle of them shows he did not destroy them but that their authority over the redeemed has been curbed. The final judgement against them awaits.

Monday, June 2, 2008

Gifts of The Spirit

In my encountering God class on Sunday a question was ask about tongues? I know that this is a subject that many disagree on. I am going to write a little on the gifts of the spirit today. These are my personal believes.

Paul says in 1 Corinthians 14:14-15 " that if I pray in a tongue, my spirit prays, but my understanding is unfruitful. What is the conclusion then? I will pray with the spirit, and I will pray with the understanding. I will sing with the spirit, and I will sing with understanding." NKJ version. I believe that Paul is telling us here that our spirit can speak through our mouth in a language we do not understand. Paul goes on to say that any speaking of tongues is for the edification of the church. He also says that tongues are a sign for the unbeliever.

I do not believe that the only way to show that a person is filled with The Holy Spirit is through the speaking in tongues. I know people that are filled and do not speak in tongues but walk in another of the gifts. I also do not believe that one has to show any of the gifts to be saved, but I do believe they are missing a blessing from God.

All of the gifts of The Holy Spirit are still for us today. Hebrew 13:8 " Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever." What was taught to the first church is still the same today, He said so in His Word. The gifts as described in 1Cor 12 are still active today. Read chapter 12 with an open mind and let the Spirit of God lead you. Verse 28 says "GOD has appointed these in the church: first Apostles, second prophets, third teachers, after that miracles, then gifts of healing, helps, administration, varieties of tongues."

Most churches believe in the laying on of hands to pray for healing. I also believe this and Have been healed my self of oral cancer. I do not believe this has to be done only in a church building, but anywhere that 2 or more are gather in His name. We all claim to believe in miracles, yet dismiss the possibility that the gifts ,all of them, are still active today.

The Word says that there are those who walk in the gift of healing. Today because of many fakes, many do not believe that there are those that do, but The Word says there are. Most work unknown with out seeking any fame or rewards here on Earth. They work for the glory of God, for the growth of His Kingdom.

I believe that the Bible is the Word of God. I believe that not a word in it is not from Him and thus still for us today. I see the gifts of the Spirit in use daily. Sometimes without even knowing you will use a gift. My sister Supernatural Christian her husband, and myself were eating and discussing things when She mentioned a word she had been given. Without realizing it I was given a word to speak to her that explained what she had received.

There are other Gifts of course that we can walk in. I am only discussing these few today. I do believe that all of the gifts are active today and will continue until Christ returns for His Bride. Praise God for this promise. Praise God we have His Spirit at work here today, ministering to us.