Thursday, August 14, 2008

Blood of Jesus

Jesus came to the Earth with one main purpose and that was to die on the Cross. It was the shedding of His blood that was the only way to save us from our sin. Today many churches do not preach the Gospel that includes the blood. It is only through the blood that we can be saved from Hell and go to Heaven. Some do not even preach that there is a Hell.

Hell is real. I pray that none will go there but many will. We are told that there will be a total separation from God in Hell. We will have eternal separation from Him. Revelations speaks of the lake of fire. Torment awaits those that go there, that will last forever.

God in the person of Jesus came to Earth as a lowly man to purchase us with His blood. He came as the perfect Lamb, with out blemish. Knowing no sin, He went to the cross and shed His blood, for only blood can cover sin. Sin that all humans have. It was not the Romans or Jewish people that put Jesus on the Cross it was us. Our sin put Him there, your sin, my sin, all sin ever committed. From Adam to you and I, we all are guilty of placing Him there.

God loves us enough to send His Son to die for us, and anyone who believes on Him will not die (John 3:16). Our sin cover by His blood if we only believe. The prophets of old looked for Him, foretold of Him. They knew that only through His blood was salvation possible. Not the blood of an animal that had to be repeated each year but the permanent blood of Jesus. He was the perfect one the spotless Lamb.

With our every breath we need to praise Him for all He suffered on that cross. Praise Him for taking the keys to death from Satan. Sing glory to God for He has sent His son to over come through His blood the forces of evil. We are to worship Him, seek Him who died for us. Glory to God.


IJ Hanna Lucky said...

So true, people are not pleading the blood of Jesus anymore they are relying on doctors and pharmacies for their ailng bodies to no avail.

Churches do not believe that Christ is coming back soon to take His Bride away
thanks for a lovely post as usual
God bless

Keith said...

Thank you Channelof healing for the comment. I was healed a short time ago at a meeting. i had been having trouble with a ruptured disc in my back and an injured left shoulder. Both we supernaturally healed. I still have a little stiftness but that is working out. I can not understand why anyone can doubt our almighty God when these healings happen to believers.