Monday, July 21, 2008

Waiting on the Lord

As Christians we are suppose to have turned our lives over to Christ, totally. Most of us find this very hard to do. I include myself in this. I am in the process of reading Madam Jeanne Guyon's book "EXPERIENCING THE DEPTHS OF JESUS CHRIST'. In it she gives steps that help to abandon ourselves to God. Although I am only 1/4 of the way through the book I have found by following her suggestions I have made another step toward total commitment to God.

This book has stood the test of time. The things she wrote about in the 1680's are still needed today. To walk daily in the presence of God should be our goal. To know that He is always there. To be open to His voice and to follow without doubt, knowing that He will never leave us.

One of the first things I have learned from Her is to take the time to listen. Just sit still and listen. Stop your mind from racing. Most of us today find this very difficult. There is so much required of us, Work, taking children to their activities, shopping, helping with homework, etc. Our minds are racing all the time, thinking what else do I have to do today or tomorrow. We are always on the go. We are not taking the time to listen. Just stop sit down and wait on Him. If a though comes into your mind about something you have to do. Stop the though, and wait, say nothing, just wait on the Lord. This will take you to a new height with God. As you grow in this you will find that God will honor this time and talk to you. He is your Father and He wants a relationship with you. Give him the time to talk. Just as with your earthly father give Him the time.

As we read about many of the Great preachers and teachers of Christ we find that they take the time to listen. Even Paul after he saw Jesus had to wait. He was blind. He did wait on the Lord, with fasting and prayer. He waited 3 days before he received his answer (Acts 9:9-11). Ananias was open to the Lord. Yes he was reluctant, (Acts 9:13-14) most of us would also be, some of us would refuse because of fear, but he trusted God and went.

Paul spent 3 years in the desert of Arabia (Gal. 1:18). The Bible does not tell us what he did there. We do know that when he returned he had become the greatest preacher of Christ. Paul waited on the Lord. Many scholars believe that in the desert, Paul learned from The Holy spirit. He could only learn if he waited on the Lord.

The type of faith that this require is not some super faith. It takes a willingness to take the time to listen. We all have the ability to do so. Even if there are days when you hear nothing. Remember Paul waited 3 days, then 3 years. The number 3 is very important to us all. Jesus ministry on earth, his burial time all are 3 something. So we should not expect God to answer on our terms. It maybe 3 seconds, 3 minutes, or 3 days, our part is to wait and listen.


IJ Hanna Lucky said...

Presently am waiting on the Lord for something and I have been feeling in my spirit that this 3rd year it will manifest so this is a prophetic message to me and I key into it today for my desired miracle in Jesus Mighty Name Amen

Thanks for the post
Godbless you Sir

Anonymous said...

That was simply awesome. I would love to read that book. The end times are close at hand, and everything is falling into place. And, we should be listening for the Shofar, it is that close. But we are indeed seeing His signs and wonders, we were born for a time such as this, it is our generation and it is awesome!!!

God Bless you


Keith said...

Channelofhealing thank you for the comment. I will pray that He in his grace and wisdom will answer and give you the miracle.

Anonymous said...

By the way, glad you are "blogging" again.

God Bless


Keith said...

Thank you Marcia. We are indeed in an awesome time. The Book is in paper back print and available at most Christian book stores.